Chakra stretch bracelet. 7 chakras for balancing in body and mind. Natural withemtic stones.

Chakra stretch bracelet. 7 chakras for balancing in body and mind. Natural withemtic stones.

RED CORAL - Muladhara / Root Chakra;
CARNELIAN agate - Svadhishthana / Sacral Chakra;
CITRINE - Manipura / Solar Plexus Chakra;
GREEN AVENTURINE - Anahata / Heart Chakra;
BLUE TURQUOISE - Vishuddha / Throat Chakra;
LAPIS LAZULI - Ajna / Third-Eye Chakra;
AMETHYST - Sahasrara / Crown Chakra.

There are seven main energy channels, the seven chakras, in our body aligned with the spine. It is believed that when the energies flow through the chakras, our physical, mental and emotional bodies can heal and become balanced.....with wear and some meditation you can balance yourself

This 7 Chakra Bracelet consists of different semi precious stones, each related by color to the different chakras in our bodies:

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